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APEX 5.0.4 or higher needs to be installed in the database as the PL/SQL API uses some packages that come with APEX e.g. apex_json.

Install in the Database

Go into SQL Plus, SQLcl, SQL Developer or SQL Workshop and make sure following packages exist aop_api24_pkg, aop_plsql24_pkg, the synonyms aop_api_pkg and aop_plsql_pkg. As part of the installation those packages should have been compiled.

How to use

You can call AOP straight from PL/SQL. APEX Office Print comes with two different ways of calling AOP; one package is aop_api_pkg which is also used behind the scenes in the APEX Plug-in and the other one is aop_plsql_pkg. aop_plsql_pkg is especially useful when you just want to do the call to the AOP server component or cloud.

Next to the above two packages we also provide two additional packages that show how to do the pl/sql calls. See the packages aop_sample_pkg and aop_test_pkg.



Global variables which can be set


g_logger_enabled             boolean := true;        -- In case you use Logger (, you can compile this package to enable Logger output:
-- SQL> ALTER PACKAGE aop_api22_pkg COMPILE PLSQL_CCFLAGS = 'logger_on:TRUE';
-- When compiled and this global variable is set to true, debug will be written to logger too

Call to AOP

g_aop_url                    varchar2(200) := null;  -- AOP Server url
g_api_key varchar2(50) := null; -- AOP API Key; only needed when AOP Cloud is used (http(s)://
g_aop_mode varchar2(15) := null; -- AOP Mode can be development or production; when running in development no cloud credits are used but a watermark is printed
g_failover_aop_url varchar2(200) := null; -- AOP Server url in case of failure of AOP url
g_failover_procedure varchar2(200) := null; -- When the failover url is used, the procedure specified in this variable will be called
g_template_type varchar2(100) := null; -- Specify the template type (xlsx, docx, ...) in case the filename is not part of the template source (e.g. URL of OneDrive or Object Storage)
g_output_converter varchar2(50) := null; -- Set the converter to go to PDF (or other format different from template) e.g. officetopdf, libreoffice or libreoffice-standalone
g_output_locale varchar2(50) := null; -- When using openofficeconverter, set the locale e.g. en, ne etc.
g_output_image_resolution varchar2(50) := null; -- When using openofficeconverter, set the resolution of the image e.g. 300dpi, 600dpi, 900dpi or 1200dpi
g_output_jpeg_compression varchar2(50) := null; -- When using openofficeconverter, specify the JPEG compression, percentage between 0-100
g_output_convert_to_pdfa varchar2(50) := null; -- When using openofficeconverter, specify 1b or 2b which are standard PDF compliant versions, specifying any true value will convert to a PDF/A 1b compliant PDF.
g_output_correct_page_nr boolean := false; -- boolean to check for AOPMergePage text to replace it with the page number.
g_output_lock_form boolean := false; -- boolean that determines if the pdf forms should be locked/flattened.
g_lock_form_ignoring_sign boolean := false; -- boolean that determines to lock/flatten everything in the output PDF but not the signature fields
g_sign_certificate_field varchar2(100) := ''; -- the name of the signature field to sign the output document (optional: invisible signature will be placed otherwise)
g_identify_form_fields boolean := false; -- boolean that fills in the name of the fields of a PDF Form in the field itself so it's easy to identify which field is at what position
g_proxy_override varchar2(300) := null; -- null=proxy defined in the application attributes
g_transfer_timeout number(6) := 1800; -- default of APEX is 180
g_wallet_path varchar2(300) := null; -- null=defined in Manage Instance > Instance Settings
g_wallet_pwd varchar2(300) := null; -- null=defined in Manage Instance > Instance Settings
g_https_host varchar2(300) := null; -- The host name to be matched against the common name (CN) of the remote server's certificate for an HTTPS request.
g_output_filename varchar2(300) := null; -- output
g_cloud_provider varchar2(100) := null; -- dropbox, gdrive, onedrive, aws_s3, (s)ftp
g_cloud_location varchar2(4000):= null; -- directory in dropbox, gdrive, onedrive, aws_s3 (with bucket), (s)ftp
g_cloud_access_token varchar2(4000):= null; -- access token or credentials for dropbox, gdrive, onedrive, aws_s3, (s)ftp (needs json)
g_language varchar2(2) := c_en; -- Language can be: en, fr, nl, de, used for the translation of filters applied etc. (translation build-in AOP)
g_app_language varchar2(20) := null; -- Language specified in the APEX app (primary language, translated language), when left to null, apex_util.get_session_lang is being used
g_logging clob := ''; -- ability to add your own logging: e.g. "request_id":"123", "request_app":"APEX", "request_user":"RND"
g_debug varchar2(10) := null; -- set to 'Local' when only the JSON needs to be generated, 'Remote' for remote debug
g_debug_procedure varchar2(4000):= null; -- when debug in APEX is turned on, next to the normal APEX debug, this procedure will be called
-- e.g. to write to your own debug table. The definition of the procedure needs to be the same as aop_debug
g_special varchar2(4000):= null; -- Special settings defined in the APEX Plug-in concerning Reports (colon separated), see p_special
g_app_id number := null; -- APEX application id
g_page_id number := null; -- APEX page id
g_user_name varchar2(200) := null; -- APEX user name (APP_USER)

APEX Page Items

g_apex_items                 varchar2(4000):= null;  -- colon-separated list of APEX items e.g. P1_X:P1_Y, which can be referenced in a template using {Pxx_ITEM}
-- you can only use this global variable in combination with reports (classic, IR, IG, ...).
-- When using a SQL Query, you can define the page item in your SQL query, e.g. :P1_ITEM as "P1_ITEM"

Layout for IR

g_rpt_header_font_name           varchar2(50)  := '';    -- Arial - see
g_rpt_header_font_size varchar2(3) := ''; -- 14
g_rpt_header_font_color varchar2(50) := ''; -- #071626
g_rpt_header_back_color varchar2(50) := ''; -- #FAFAFA
g_rpt_header_border_width varchar2(50) := ''; -- 1 ; '0' = no border
g_rpt_header_border_color varchar2(50) := ''; -- #000000
g_rpt_header_vertical_align varchar2(50) := ''; -- Specify the vertical alignment for header 'center', 'top', or 'bottom'
g_rpt_data_font_name varchar2(50) := ''; -- Arial - see
g_rpt_data_font_size varchar2(3) := ''; -- 14
g_rpt_data_font_color varchar2(50) := ''; -- #000000
g_rpt_data_back_color varchar2(50) := ''; -- #FFFFFF
g_rpt_data_border_width varchar2(50) := ''; -- 1 ; '0' = no border
g_rpt_data_border_color varchar2(50) := ''; -- #000000
g_rpt_data_alt_row_color varchar2(50) := ''; -- #FFFFFF for no alt row color, use same color as g_rpt_data_back_color
g_rpt_data_vertical_align varchar2(50) := ''; -- Specify the vertical alignment for data 'center', 'top', or 'bottom'
/* see also Printing attributes in Interactive Report */
g_is_component_used_yn varchar2(1) := null; -- If you want to override the is_component_used_yn, you can specify 'Y' to always show or 'N' to never show.
g_visible_report_columns varchar2(4000):= null; -- Colon separated list of classic report, interactive report or interactive grid columns e.g. EMPNO:ENAME,
-- which will be visible regardless of authorization and condition
g_hidden_report_columns varchar2(4000):= null; -- Colon separated list of classic report, interactive report or interactive grid columns e.g. EMPNO:ENAME
-- which will be hidden regardless of authorization and condition
g_rpt_group_border_color varchar2(50 char) := ''; -- default the same as data and header border color.
g_rpt_group_border_width varchar2(50 char) := ''; -- grouping border size, default 4.

Settings for Calendar

g_cal_type                   varchar2(10)  := c_cal_month; -- can be month (default), week, day, list; constants can be used
g_start_date date := null; -- start date of calendar
g_end_date date := null; -- end date of calendar
g_weekdays varchar2(300) := null; -- translation for weekdays e.g. Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday etc.
g_months varchar2(300) := null; -- translation for months e.g. January:February etc.
g_color_days_sql varchar2(4000):= null; -- color the background of certain days.
-- e.g. select 1 as "id", sysdate as "date", 'FF8800' as "color" from dual
g_separate_pages varchar2(5) := 'false'; -- start calendar on new page (true) or start calendar on same page
g_alignment varchar2(5) := 'right'; -- align text on calender: left center or right
g_title_alignment varchar2(5) := 'right'; -- align title of the calendar: left right or center
g_day_alignment varchar2(5) := 'right'; -- align days of the calendar: left right or center
g_start_of_week varchar2(3) := 'Mon'; -- start of the week day: Monday (Mon) or Sunday (Sun)

#### HTML template to Word/PDF

g_orientation varchar2(50) := ''; -- empty is portrait, other option is 'landscape'

Call to URL data source

g_url_http_method            varchar2(10)  := 'GET';
g_url_username varchar2(300) := null;
g_url_password varchar2(300) := null;
g_url_schema varchar2(100) := 'Basic';
g_url_proxy_override varchar2(300) := null;
g_url_transfer_timeout number := 180;
g_url_body clob := empty_clob();
g_url_body_blob blob := empty_blob();
g_url_parm_name apex_application_global.vc_arr2; --:= empty_vc_arr;
g_url_parm_value apex_application_global.vc_arr2; --:= empty_vc_arr;
g_url_wallet_path varchar2(300) := null;
g_url_wallet_pwd varchar2(300) := null;
g_url_https_host varchar2(300) := null; -- parameter for apex_web_service, not used, please apply APEX patch if issues
g_url_credential_static_id varchar2(300) := null;
g_url_token_url varchar2(300) := null;

Web Source Module (APEX >= 18.1)

g_web_source_first_row       pls_integer   := null;  -- parameter for apex_exec.open_web_source_query
g_web_source_max_rows pls_integer := null; -- parameter for apex_exec.open_web_source_query
g_web_source_total_row_cnt boolean := false; -- parameter for apex_exec.open_web_source_query

REST Enabled SQL (APEX >= 18.1)

g_rest_sql_auto_bind_items   boolean       := true;  -- parameter for apex_exec.open_remote_sql_query
g_rest_sql_first_row pls_integer := null; -- parameter for apex_exec.open_remote_sql_query
g_rest_sql_max_rows pls_integer := null; -- parameter for apex_exec.open_remote_sql_query
g_rest_sql_total_row_cnt boolean := false; -- parameter for apex_exec.open_remote_sql_query
g_rest_sql_total_row_limit pls_integer := null; -- parameter for apex_exec.open_remote_sql_query

Input Data

g_replace_special_symbols    varchar2(5)   := null;  -- Option to replace special symbols in the selected columns/keys. Replaces +, -, *, /, and  % by _.
g_override_html_expr_on_null boolean := false; -- When HTML expressions are being used in reports, but they are null, they can be overwritten to use the report_null_value_as

IP Printer support

g_ip_printer_location        varchar2(300) := null;
g_ip_printer_version varchar2(300) := '1';
g_ip_printer_requester varchar2(300) := nvl(apex_application.g_user, USER);
g_ip_printer_job_name varchar2(300) := 'AOP';
g_ip_printer_return_output varchar2(5) := null; -- null or 'Yes' or 'true'

AOP Processing

g_pre_conversion_command     varchar2(4000):= null; -- The command to execute before the conversion to another file format. This command should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_pre_conversion_command_p varchar2(4000):= null; -- Parameter (in JSON) before the conversion to another file format. These parameters should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_post_conversion_command varchar2(4000):= null; -- The command to execute after the conversion to another file format. This command should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_post_conversion_command_p varchar2(4000):= null; -- Parameter (in JSON) after the conversion to another file format. These parameters should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_post_merge_command varchar2(4000):= null; -- The command to execute after the merge of files. This command should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_post_merge_command_p varchar2(4000):= null; -- Parameter (in JSON) after the merge of files. These parameters should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_pipeline_name varchar2(4000):= null; -- The name of the pipeline that will be executed.
g_post_process_command varchar2(4000):= null; -- The command to execute. This command should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_post_process_command_p varchar2(4000):= null; -- Parameter (in JSON) in the post process command. These parameters should be present on aop_config.json file.
g_post_process_return_output boolean := true; -- Either to return the output or not. Note this output is AOP's output and not the post process command output.
g_post_process_delete_delay number(9) := 1500; -- AOP deletes the file provided to the command directly after executing it. This can be delayed with this option. Integer in milliseconds.

AOP Config

g_aop_config                 varchar2(32767):= null; -- AOP config file; anything here will overwrite or extend other attributes in the JSON. Make sure this is valid JSON.

Convert characterset

g_convert                    varchar2(1)   := c_n;   -- set to Y (c_y) if you want to convert the JSON that is send over; necessary for Arabic support
g_convert_source_charset varchar2(20) := null; -- default of database
g_convert_target_charset varchar2(20) := 'AL32UTF8';
g_stop_apex_engine varchar2(1) := c_n; -- stop the APEX engine
g_run_with_dbms_scheduler varchar2(1) := c_n; -- Run the call in the background through a dbms_scheduler job, when finished call defined procedure.


g_output_directory           varchar2(200) := '.';   -- set output directory on AOP Server
-- if . is specified the files are saved in the default directory: outputfiles
g_output_sign_certificate varchar2(32000):= null; -- sign PDF with signature which is base64 encoded
g_output_sign_certificate_pwd varchar2(500):= null; -- sign PDF with password
g_output_sign_certificate_fld varchar2(500):= null; -- sign PDF with the given signature field name
g_output_sign_certificate_img varchar2(32767):= null;-- sign PDF with the given base64 encoded image as background for visible signature
g_output_split varchar2(5) := null; -- split file: one file per page: true/false
g_output_merge varchar2(5) := null; -- merge files into one PDF true/false
g_output_icon_font varchar2(20) := null; -- the icon font to use for the output, Font-APEX or Font Awesome 5 (default)
g_output_even_page varchar2(5) := null; -- PDF option to always print even pages (necessary for two-sided pages): true/false
g_output_merge_making_even varchar2(5) := null; -- PDF option to merge making all documents even paged (necessary for two-sided pages): true/false
g_output_page_margin varchar2(50) := null; -- HTML to PDF option: margin in px, can also add top, bottom, left, right
g_output_page_orientation varchar2(10) := null; -- HTML to PDF option: portrait (default) or landscape
g_output_page_width varchar2(10) := null; -- HTML to PDF option: width in px, mm, cm, in. No unit means px.
g_output_page_height varchar2(10) := null; -- HTML to PDF option: height in px, mm, cm, in. No unit means px.
g_output_page_format varchar2(10) := null; -- HTML to PDF option: a4 (default), letter
g_output_remove_last_page boolean := false; -- PDF option to remove the last page; e.g. when the last page is empty
g_output_page_number_start_at varchar2(10) := null; -- Change the start of the page numbers in the template.
g_output_form_fill_font varchar2(250) := null; -- The name of the font when filling in a PDF Form, The font must be installed on the system, or provided as a file on assets folder or root of aop.
g_output_attachment_text varchar2(250) := null; -- Specify the information string you want to place in the attachment retrieved from eml file (email), e.g. "Current Page: {attachmentCurrentPage} Total Pages: {attachmentTotalPage} Attachment Number : {attachmentIndex} of {attachmentFilename}"
g_output_attachment_text_position varchar2(20) := null; -- The position of attachment text in the attachment retrieved from eml file (email), e.g. bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right or center
g_output_convert_attachment_to_json boolean := false; -- While retrieving PDF attachments, if the attachment is an xml file, convert it to json.
g_update_toc boolean := false; -- Update the table of contents in Word document

Compression option

Useful while compression single file and providing name to output zip file

g_output_compression         varchar2(10)  := 'zip';  -- Zip file for single output file will be generated
g_output_compression_name varchar2(50) := ''; -- Output zip file name

Async call to AOP

A URL will be returned where the file can be polled from.

g_async_status               varchar2(4000):= null;  -- Get the status of the async call (OK, error, false)
g_async_message varchar2(4000):= null; -- Get the status message of the async call
g_async_url varchar2(4000):= null; -- Get the URL where you can get the file when processing is complete

Call a Web Service where AOP will send the file to (POST Request)

g_web_service_url            varchar2(500) := null;  -- URL to be called once AOP has created the document. AOP will do a POST request and headers can be specified
g_web_service_headers varchar2(4000):= null; -- The headers for the POST request e.g. {"file_id": "F123", "access_token": "A456789"}

Append/Prepend Files

g_prepend_files_sql          clob          := null;  -- format: select filename, mime_type, [file_blob, file_base64, url_call_from_db, url_call_from_aop, file_on_aop_server] from my_table
g_append_files_sql clob := null; -- format: select filename, mime_type, [file_blob, file_base64, url_call_from_db, url_call_from_aop, file_on_aop_server] from my_table
g_media_files_sql clob := null; --
g_output_prepend_per_page boolean := false; -- Prepend one or more pages before each page in the output. E.g. logo and company details before every document
g_output_append_per_page boolean := false; -- Append one or more pages after each page in the output. E.g. terms of conditions after every invoice


g_template_start_delimiter   varchar2(2)   := null;  -- { is the default start delimiter used is a template, but you can set this variable with the following options: {, {{, <, <<
g_template_end_delimiter varchar2(2) := null; -- } is the default end delimiter used in a template, but you can set this variable with the following options: }, }}, >, >>
g_cache_template boolean := false; -- cache the template; an hash is returned in g_template_cache_hash
g_template_cache_hash varchar2(128) := null; -- the hashed value of the cached version of the template on the AOP Server/Cloud
g_use_template_when_no_cache varchar2(1) := c_n; -- by default when a template hash is sent and it's no longer available it will raise an error.
-- when set to Y(es), AOP will first check if the template is still available and if not include the full template when available.


g_sub_templates_sql          clob          := null;  -- format: select filename, mime_type, [file_blob, file_base64, url_call_from_db, url_call_from_aop, file_on_aop_server] from my_table

Created/Modified Date

Word/Powerpoint template option to set the created/modified date of the file. Must be in ISO format (Example: "2022-02-07T12:55:12") or in the date time format ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "YYYY-MM-DD")

g_output_modified_date       varchar2(50)  := null;  
g_output_created_date varchar2(50) := null;

PDF Password protection and other variables

g_output_read_password       varchar2(200) := null; -- protect PDF to read
g_output_modify_password varchar2(200) := null; -- protect PDF to write (modify)
g_output_pwd_protection_flag number(4) := null; -- optional; default is 4.
-- Number when bit calculation is done as specified in
g_output_watermark varchar2(4000):= null; -- Watermark in PDF
g_output_watermark_color varchar2(500) := null; -- Watermark option color
g_output_watermark_font varchar2(500) := null; -- Watermark option font
g_output_watermark_width varchar2(500) := null; -- Watermark option width
g_output_watermark_height varchar2(500) := null; -- Watermark option height
g_output_watermark_opacity varchar2(500) := null; -- Watermark option opacity
g_output_watermark_rotation varchar2(500) := null; -- Watermark option rotation
g_output_copies number := null; -- Requires output pdf, repeats the output pdf for the given number of times.


g_ig_force_query             varchar2(1)   := null; -- force the IG to use AOPs own implementation instead of apex_region.open_query_context
g_ig_use_alternative_label varchar2(1) := null; -- force the IG to use the alternative label for the heading


g_anonymize_json             varchar2(1)   := c_n;   -- set to Y (c_y) if you want to anonymize/obfuscate the JSON that is send over. This is great for debugging of sensitive data.
g_use_data_export_pjson varchar2(1) := c_n; -- instead of using the AOP specific code to generate the meta-data of reports, use apex_data_export.c_format_pjson


g_output_text_delimiter      varchar2(200) := null;  -- 
g_output_field_separator varchar2(200) := null; --
g_output_character_set varchar2(200) := null; --

DATA EXPORT - APEX 20.2 and higher

$if wwv_flow_api.c_current >= 20201001
g_data_export_component_id number := null;
g_data_export_view_mode varchar2(100) := null;
g_data_export_max_rows number := null;
g_data_export_file_name varchar2(255) := null;
g_data_export_page_size apex_data_export.t_size := apex_data_export.c_size_letter;
g_data_export_orientation apex_data_export.t_orientation := apex_data_export.c_orientation_portrait;
g_data_export_data_only boolean := false;
g_data_export_pdf_accessible boolean := false;


g_oci_credential             varchar2(150) := null;  -- Credentials used in DBMS_CLOUD (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure credentials)
g_oci_directory_name varchar2(150) := null; -- Directory name used in DBMS_CLOUD

Function call

function plsql_call_to_aop(
p_data_type in varchar2 default c_source_type_sql,
p_data_source in clob default null,
p_template_type in varchar2 default c_source_type_apex,
p_template_source in clob default null,
p_output_type in varchar2 default c_pdf_pdf,
p_output_filename in out nocopy varchar2,
p_output_type_item_name in varchar2 default null,
p_output_to in varchar2 default null,
p_procedure in varchar2 default null,
p_binds in wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list default c_binds,
p_special in varchar2 default null,
p_aop_remote_debug in varchar2 default c_no,
p_output_converter in varchar2 default null,
p_aop_url in varchar2 default null,
p_api_key in varchar2 default null,
p_aop_mode in varchar2 default null,
p_app_id in number default null,
p_page_id in number default null,
p_user_name in varchar2 default null,
p_init_code in clob default c_init_null,
p_output_encoding in varchar2 default c_output_encoding_raw,
p_output_split in varchar2 default c_false,
p_output_merge in varchar2 default c_false,
p_output_even_page in varchar2 default c_false,
p_output_merge_making_even in varchar2 default c_false,
p_failover_aop_url in varchar2 default null,
p_failover_procedure in varchar2 default null,
p_log_procedure in varchar2 default null,
p_prepend_files_sql in clob default null,
p_append_files_sql in clob default null,
p_media_files_sql in clob default null,
p_sub_templates_sql in clob default null,
p_ref_cursor in sys_refcursor default null,
p_sql_array in t_query_list default c_sql_array,
p_ig_selected_pks in varchar2 default null)
return blob;

Note that some other procedures and functions are available in the package which could be helpful.


function make_aop_request(
p_aop_url in varchar2 default g_aop_url,
p_api_key in varchar2 default g_api_key,
p_aop_mode in varchar2 default g_aop_mode,
p_json in clob,
p_template in blob,
p_template_type in varchar2 default null,
p_output_encoding in varchar2 default 'raw', -- change to raw to have binary, change to base64 to have base64 encoded
p_output_type in varchar2 default null,
p_output_filename in varchar2 default 'output',
p_aop_remote_debug in varchar2 default 'No',
p_output_converter in varchar2 default '',
p_prepend_files_json in clob default null,
p_append_files_json in clob default null,
p_templates_json in clob default null
return blob;


Example with aop_api_pkg

l_binds wwv_flow_plugin_util.t_bind_list;
l_return blob;
l_output_filename varchar2(100) := 'output';
-- define bind variables
l_binds(1).name := 'p_id';
l_binds(1).value := '1';

l_return := aop_api_pkg.plsql_call_to_aop (
p_data_type => 'SQL',
p_data_source => q'[
'file1' as "filename",
c.cust_first_name as "cust_first_name",
c.cust_last_name as "cust_last_name",
c.cust_city as "cust_city",
cursor(select o.order_total as "order_total",
'Order ' || rownum as "order_name",
cursor(select p.product_name as "product_name",
i.quantity as "quantity",
i.unit_price as "unit_price", APEX_WEB_SERVICE.BLOB2CLOBBASE64(p.product_image) as "image"
from demo_order_items i, demo_product_info p
where o.order_id = i.order_id
and i.product_id = p.product_id
) "product"
from demo_orders o
where c.customer_id = o.customer_id
) "orders"
from demo_customers c
where customer_id = :p_id
) as "data"
from dual
p_template_type => 'SQL',
p_template_source => q'[
select template_type, template_blob
from aop_template
where id = 1
p_output_type => 'docx',
p_output_filename => l_output_filename,
p_binds => l_binds,
p_aop_url => '',
p_api_key => 'your API key',
p_app_id => 232);

Example with aop_plsql_pkg

l_template blob;
l_output_file blob;
select template_blob
into l_template
from aop_template
where id = 1;

l_output_file := aop_plsql_pkg.make_aop_request(
p_json => '[{ "filename": "file1", "data": [{ "cust_first_name": "APEX Office Print" }] }]',
p_template => l_template,
p_output_type => 'docx',
p_aop_remote_debug => 'No');

In aop_sample_pkg you find the above examples and you can run them with following command:


Note that there are more examples in the aop_sample_pkg, so it's worthwhile to check it out.