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Markdown Templates


This section will go through all the tags that are available for Markdown template, together with the appropriate data selection query. In this documentation, curly braces are used as delimiters for the tags. Please check check general template for how to change the delimiters delimiters. The files should be in .md format.

Tag Overview

The following tables shows the available tags in Markdown template. The three dot in the format column shows what is variable, they should be either replaced by cursor name or column name.


Please note that the column names are case sensitive, you can use double quotes to force the casing.

Tags can't start with a number and should start with an alphabetical character (a-z,A-Z)

Tag NameFormatTagShort Description
Normal Substitution{...}{normal}Normal Substitution, the data from the given column will be replaced.
Loop Tags{#...} {/...}{#data_loop} … {/data_loop}Tag that loops over the given cursor name and repeats everything in between the tags for each record by creating new row(s).
Image Tags{%...}{%imageKey}Tag to be used when the content is an image. (can point to url, file, base64encoded string) Options available see details
Barcode and QR Code{|...}{|barcode_or_qrcode}Tag to use when a barcode or qr code needs to be generated in it's place. Options available see details.
Raw Tag{@...}{@raw}Tag to be used to render the HTML content.

Special Tags: Other special tags can be used. Please refer to the general template section: special-tags

Normal Substitution

Available From: v1.0

These kind of tags are the simplest tag to use. These tags are enclosed in curly braces and can include variables (name of column) that will be replaced with actual data when the output is generated. The replaced value will have the same style of the tag itself.


Date Source

Hereby example data source for different options.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select c.cust_first_name as "cust_first_name",
c.cust_last_name as "cust_last_name"
from aop_sample_customers c
where c.customer_id = 1
) as "data"
from dual;


The template should contain the name of the columns that were provided in the query above. For example we have the template with following content:

  Hello {cust_first_name} {cust_last_name}

This is the basic example of using normal substitution tags.

Thank you for choosing AOP

Best Regards

AOP Team


When the above data source (which results in one row with John as cust_first_name and Dulles as cust_last_name) together with the given template is passed to AOP, the output will be as follows.

  Hello John Dulles
This is the basic example of using normal substitution tags.
Thank you for choosing AOP
Best Regards
AOP Team

Simple Angular Like Expressions

Available From: v1.0

Simple angular like expressions are also supported that can perform simple mathematical operations. A full list of Angular expressions can be found at

AOP(APEX Office Print) gives support to different operations such as Mathematical operations, String operations, Number/BigNumber operations, Conditional and Comparison operations, Array operations, Number formatting and Date formatting.


For more details see Simple Angular Expression

Loop Tags

Available From v1.0

AOP allows you to loop through a record by using the loop tag, which has two parts: the start of the loop and the end of the loop. The start of the loop is denoted by a # symbol followed by the record name enclosed in delimiters, such as {#record1}. The end of the loop is denoted by a / symbol followed by the same record name enclosed in delimiters, such as {/record1}.




Contents of loop and other



The data source below was created using the database available in the sample data of AOP. The database contains numerous tables and views with raw data that can be used for reference.

Data Source

Hereby examples of data source.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select c.cust_first_name as "cust_first_name",
c.cust_last_name as "cust_last_name",
c.cust_city as "cust_city",
cursor (
select o.order_total as "order_total",
'Order ' || rownum as "order_name",
cursor (
select p.product_name as "product_name",
i.quantity as "quantity",
i.unit_price as "unit_price"
from aop_sample_order_items i,
aop_sample_product_info p
where o.order_id = i.order_id
and i.product_id = p.product_id
) "product"
from aop_sample_orders o
where c.customer_id = o.customer_id
) "orders"
from aop_sample_customers c
where customer_id = 1
) as "data"
from dual;


The template here contains the loop tags for cursor orders and product and columns of product inside the product cursor. For example we have the template with following content:

  Hello {cust_first_name} {cust_last_name}

This is the basic example of using loop tags.

Thank you for choosing AOP

Best Regards

AOP Team


| Product | Unit Price in € | Quantity | Extended Price in € |
| ------------------------ | :------------------: | ---------: | ------------------------------: |
| {#product}{product_name} | {unit_price} | {quantity} | {unit_price*quantity}{/product} |



When the above data source (which results in few product with details inside product cursor which is inside another cursor named orders ) together with the given template is passed to AOP, the output will be as follows.

After the processing of the loops, the content below them is affected while the content to the left, right, and top remains unaffected, as you can observe.

Grouping Rows of Records

Available From: v19.3

It is possible to group records or arrays into n number of elements by appending |group:n at the start and end labels of the loop.The current group can be looped over by {#group} {/group} looping tags.

Given a record 'product' with rows of data, lets create a group of 2 each.

This group will have two product.

For more details on grouping records please visit Grouping Rows of Records

Looping n Times

Available From: v20.2

With this filter one can loop n times for record or a column. You should use #n where n is number of times followed by |loop which becomes {#n|loop} for start {/n|loop} for end. Note that you should use | followed by loop keyword and loop is not a record.

Consider we have a record name product then, the syntax for looping 3 times is as follows:

Product name is {product_name}

For more details on looping multiple times please visit Looping n Times


Available From: v3.0

It is possible to filter out the rows from a record based on a condition using filter method. The syntax of filter method is
{#recordName|filter:operand1:operator:operand2} thus creating a record named filtered.

The supported operators are: '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '===', '!=', '!==' .

Considering a record name product with various column including unit_price, the implementation of filtering by unit_price is:

{product_name} {quantity} {unit_price}

For more details on filtering out the rows from a record please visit Filtering


It is possible to sort the rows of record by its value or property. Along with the property, type of sorting should also be defined as "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. A record named sorted is created allowing you to iterate through the rows of this record.

Syntax is: {recordName|sort:"columnName":"asc" or "dec"}.

Lets say, you have a record named product with column unit_price.

{product_name} {quantity} {unit_price}

For more details on sorting out the rows from a record please visit Sorting


It is possible get a distinct column values from a record using AOP. Syntax is: {recordName|distinct:"column_name":"asc" or "dec"}

For a record name product with unit_price column, we can get distinct unit_price as:


For more details on distinct of column values please visit Distinct

Breaking into Groups

Available From: v20.2

It is possible to break a record into groups of records based on the value of column of the record.

Syntax is : {#recordName|break:"columnName"}.

If you have a record named products with column named category inside it, then implementation of breaking into group would be:

CATEGORY: {break[0].category}
The items in this category are:
• {category} {product_name} {unit_price} {quantity}

This will break the products record into multiple records, each having same value for column CATEGORY and can iterate through the particular group using loop tag.


For more details on breaking a record into groups please visit Breaking into Group

Image Tags

Available From: v1.0

Image tags are a useful way to insert images into your reports. These tags are denoted by a percent sign (%) and allow you to include images from a file path, URL (http, https, ftp, sftp), or base64 encoded data. In order to use a file path, you will need to enable local resource in AOP server configuration. See here //TODO:

Given the following simple example SQL Query:

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select '' as "random_image"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;

The url is named random_image , the tag to be used will be {%random_image}.

Image Tag Options


The following options should be prepended with the column name being used followed by an "_". For example, if the column name is "image", then the options would be "image_width", "image_height", "image_alt"_text, etc. See example below.

Case Sensitive

The options are case sensitive. For example, "_width" is valid, but "_Width" is not. You will need to wrap the column name with double quotes in order to force the casing.


AOP 20.3 introduced other units than px (default), in, cm, pt, and em.

  • width: Specifies the fixed width of the given image. Units: px (default), in, cm, pt, and em. If not specified, the inserted image's width will be actual image width or available width of the paragraph, whichever is smaller. eg: "_width" : "80px"

  • height: Specifies the fixed height of the given image. Units: px (default), in, cm, pt, and em. If not specified, the inserted image's height will be actual image height or available height of the paragraph, whichever is smaller. eg: "_height" : "80px"

  • alt_text: Specifies the alternative text of the inserted image. Blank if not specified. eg: "_alt_text" : "This is an image"

  • max_height: Maximum height for scaling image proportionally. Units: (default) px, in, cm, pt, and em.

  • max_width: Maximum width for scaling image proportionally. Units: (default) px, in, cm, pt, and em.

  • transparency: For specifying transparency of image. Values are in percentage like "90%". default: 0%

  • rotation: For specifying rotation to image, in degrees for example (90, 180)

  • ignore_error: true, if default image should be inserted if image cannot be fetched, if false, throws error. default: true

  • url : For specifying hyperlink url for this image, the user will be redirected to this url when clicked on image.

  • maintain_aspect_ratio: wheter or not to maintain aspect ration of images, width option or height option should be specified for this option to work.

  • wrap_text : Wrap text option, can be: front, behind, top-bottom, square or default (default meaning in line with text).

Example usages in the SQL query:

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select '' as "image",
'60px' as "image_width",
'Random picture on the internet' as "image_alt_text",
'square' as "image_wrap_text",
'90%' as "image_transparency",
'90' as "image_rotation",
1 as "image_ignore_error"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;
Image Size

When manual height and width is not provided and the dimensions of image are greater than the page width or page height, then image size is reduced, such that it fits in page without changing the aspect ratio of image.

Image url

URL pointing to an image must have image extension

If the image is stored as blob in your table, you can use apex_web_service.blob2clobbase64 function to convert blob to base64 encoded image, example:

select p.product_name                                    as "product_name",
apex_web_service.blob2clobbase64(p.product_image) "product_img",
500 "product_img_max_width",
500 "product_img_max_height"
from aop_sample_product_info p

Supported Image Format Types

JPEG.jpg, .jpeg, .jfif, .pjpeg, .pjpimage/jpeg
TIFF.tiff , .tifimage/tiff


select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select product_name as "product_name",
apex_web_service.blob2clobbase64(product_image) as "pic",
500 as "price",
100 as "pic_max_height",
'alternative text' as "pic_alt_text"
from aop_sample_product_info
where product_name = 'Wallet'
) as "data"
from dual;


The template should contain the image tag which starts with % followed by column name inside delimiters. For example we have the template with following content:

  This is the basic example of using image tags.

Thank you for choosing AOP

Best Regards

AOP Team
| Product | Image | Price |
| -------------- | :----: | :------:|
| {product_name} | {%pic} | {price} |


When the above data source together with the given template is passed to AOP, the output will be as follows.

Barcode and QR code

Available From v3.1

AOP allows for the insertion of barcode and QR code in Markdown using tags with syntax pipe(|) followed by column name inside delimiters (e.g., {|barcode}) . To differentiate between barcode and QR code tags, an additional option is required to confirm the type of tag i.e option type .

When the AOP identifies one of these tags in a template, it replaces it with the corresponding barcode or QR code.

It's important to specify the type of the barcode or QR code when using these tags.
-- for barcode
'<<barcode_type>>' as "key1_type" , -- replace <<barcode_type>> as the type of barcode.
-- for qr code
'qrcode' as "key2_type"
Supported Barcodes Types
Barcode type Description
auspost AusPost 4 State Customer Code
azteccode Aztec Code
azteccodecompact Compact Aztec Code
aztecrune Aztec Runes
bc412 BC412
channelcode Channel Code
codablockf Codablock F
code11 Code 11
code128 Code 128
code16k Code 16K
code2of5 Code 25
code32 Italian Pharmacode
code39 Code 39
code39ext Code 39 Extended
code49 Code 49
code93 Code 93
code93ext Code 93 Extended
codeone Code One
coop2of5 COOP 2 of 5
daft Custom 4 state symbology
databarexpanded GS1 DataBar Expanded
databarexpandedcomposite GS1 DataBar Expanded Composite
databarexpandedstacked GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked
databarexpandedstackedcomposite GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked Composite
databarlimited GS1 DataBar Limited
databarlimitedcomposite GS1 DataBar Limited Composite
databaromni GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional
databaromnicomposite GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Composite
databarstacked GS1 DataBar Stacked
databarstackedcomposite GS1 DataBar Stacked Composite
databarstackedomni GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional
databarstackedomnicomposite GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional Composite
databartruncated GS1 DataBar Truncated
databartruncatedcomposite GS1 DataBar Truncated Composite
datalogic2of5 Datalogic 2 of 5
datamatrix Data Matrix
datamatrixrectangular Data Matrix Rectangular
dotcode DotCode
ean13 EAN-13
ean13composite EAN-13 Composite
ean14 GS1-14
ean2 EAN-2 (2 digit addon)
ean5 EAN-5 (5 digit addon)
ean8 EAN-8
ean8composite EAN-8 Composite
flattermarken Flattermarken
gs1-128 GS1-128
gs1-128composite GS1-128 Composite
gs1-cc GS1 Composite 2D Component
gs1datamatrix GS1 Data Matrix
gs1datamatrixrectangular GS1 Data Matrix Rectangular
gs1northamericancoupon GS1 North American Coupon
gs1qrcode GS1 QR Code
hanxin Han Xin Code
hibcazteccode HIBC Aztec Code
hibccodablockf HIBC Codablock F
hibccode128 HIBC Code 128
hibccode39 HIBC Code 39
hibcdatamatrix HIBC Data Matrix
hibcdatamatrixrectangular HIBC Data Matrix Rectangular
hibcmicropdf417 HIBC MicroPDF417
hibcpdf417 HIBC PDF417
hibcqrcode HIBC QR Code
iata2of5 IATA 2 of 5
identcode Deutsche Post Identcode
industrial2of5 Industrial 2 of 5
interleaved2of5 Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF)
isbn ISBN
ismn ISMN
issn ISSN
itf14 ITF-14
japanpost Japan Post 4 State Customer Code
kix Royal Dutch TPG Post KIX
leitcode Deutsche Post Leitcode
matrix2of5 Matrix 2 of 5
maxicode MaxiCode
micropdf417 MicroPDF417
microqrcode Micro QR Code
msi MSI Modified Plessey
onecode USPS Intelligent Mail
pdf417 PDF417
pdf417compact Compact PDF417
pharmacode Pharmaceutical Binary Code
pharmacode2 Two-track Pharmacode
plessey Plessey UK
posicode PosiCode
pzn Pharmazentralnummer (PZN)
qrcode QR Code
rationalizedCodabar Codabar
raw Custom 1D symbology
royalmail Royal Mail 4 State Customer Code
sscc18 SSCC-18
symbol Miscellaneous symbols
telepen Telepen
telepennumeric Telepen Numeric
ultracode Ultracode
upca UPC-A
upcacomposite UPC-A Composite
upce UPC-E
upcecomposite UPC-E Composite

Tag Options


The following options should be prepended with the column name being used followed by an "_". For example, if the column name is "product_code", then the options would be "product_code_width", "product_code_height"etc. See example below.

Case Sensitive

The options are case sensitive. For example, "_width" is valid, but "_Width" is not. You will need to wrap the column name with double quotes in order to force the casing.

  • type : The type of barcode to generate. See the table above for a list of valid types.

  • height : The height of the barcode in pixels. Default is 200 for QR, 50 for the other types.

  • width : The width of the barcode in pixels. Default is 200.

  • errorcorrectlevel : The level of which the QR code should be recoverable. The options are:

    • "L" (up to 7% damage)
    • "M" (up to 15% damage)
    • "Q" (up to 25% damage)
    • "H" (up to 30% damage)

    Extra info:

  • url : The URL to hyperlink to when the barcode/qrcode is clicked

  • rotation : The rotation angle of the barcode/qrcode (in degrees). Default is 0.

  • background_color : The background color of the barcode/qrcode. Default is white. You can provide hex value; html named colors like red, white, purple; rgb(255, 0, 0) ; or any other css supported format.

  • padding_width : the padding of the inserted qrcode/barocode. default is 10. in pixels

  • padding_height : the padding of the inserted qrcode/barocode. default is 10. in pixels

  • extra_options : if you want to include extra options like including barcode text on the bottom, please use this option. The options should be space separated and should be followed by a "=" and their value. E.g.: "includetext guardwhitespace" or "eclevel=L". Please visit: for all option availability.

You might sometimes get the following error (might occur when the tag is inside loop):

Extra QR Code Options

Besides the option specified above, QR code can have multiple options:

  • qr_dotscale : For body block, must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1
  • qr_logo : Logo Image (At center of QR). can be Base64/URL/FTP/SFTP
  • qr_background_image Background Image. Can be Base64/URL/FTP/SFTP
  • qr_color_dark : Color of dark blocks. Default is black
  • qr_color_light : Color of light blocks. Default is white
  • qr_logo_width : Width of logo. Default is 80
  • qr_logo_height : Height of logo. Default is 80
  • qr_quiet_zone : Padding around QR code, default 2
  • qr_quiet_zone_color : Color of quiet zone. Default is #ffffff
  • qr_background_image_alpha : Background image alpha. Default is 1
  • qr_po_color : Global Position Outer color. if not set, the default is colorDark
  • qr_pi_color : Global Position Inner color. if not set, the default is colorDark
  • qr_po_tl_color : Position Outer color - Top Left
  • qr_pi_tl_color : Position Inner color - Top Left
  • qr_po_tr_color : Position Outer color - Top Right
  • qr_pi_tr_color : Position Inner color - Top Right
  • qr_po_bl_color : Position Outer color - Bottom Left
  • qr_pi_bl_color : Position Inner color - Bottom Left
  • qr_timing_v_color : Vertical timing color
  • qr_timing_h_color : Horizontal timing color
  • qr_timing_color : Global Timing color. if not set
  • qr_auto_color : Automatic color adjustment(for data block) (default is false) (set to false if using background images)
  • qr_auto_color_dark : Automatic color: dark CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true) (dark color preferred, otherwise may lead to undetectable QR)
  • qr_auto_color_light : Automatic color: light CSS color (only required when qr_auto_color is set true)


The table and views utilized in the data source below are sourced from the APEX sample database.

Data Source

Hereby examples of data source for different options.`

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select 'John' as "cust_first_name",
'Doe' as "cust_last_name",
cursor (
select product_name as "product_name",
category as "category",
|| lpad(product_id, 3, 0) as "product_code",
'code39' as "product_code_type",
'' || product_name as "product_link",
'qrcode' as "product_link_type",
'60' as "product_link_height",
'60' as "product_link_width"
from aop_sample_product_info
order by 1
) as "products"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


The template should contain the barcode or qr code tag which starts with | followed by column name inside delimiters. For example we have the template with following content:

  Hello {cust_first_name} {cust_last_name}

This is the basic example of using barcode and qrcode tags.

Thank you for choosing AOP

Best Regards

AOP Team


| Product | QrCode | Barcode |
| -------------- | ----------------| ----------------|
| {product_name} | {|product_link} | {|product_code} |



When the above data source (which results in few rows with product name a barcode and qrcode) together with the given template is passed to AOP, the output will be as follows.

QR Code Example

For QR codes, we can specify the following options.

Data Source

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select 'Chocolates' as "product_name",
'qrcode' as "product_name_type",
1 as "product_name_qr_dotscale",
'Image(URL/Base64)' as "product_name_qr_logo",
'Image(URL/Base64)' as "product_name_qr_background_image",
'#111111' as "product_name_qr_color_dark",
'#dddddd' as "product_name_qr_color_light",
80 as "product_name_qr_logo_width",
80 as "product_name_qr_logo_height",
'#dddddd' as "product_name_qr_logo_background_color",
2 as "product_name_qr_quiet_zone",
'#000000' as "product_name_qr_quiet_zone_color",
0.3 as "product_name_qr_background_image_alpha",
'#e1622f' as "product_name_qr_po_color",
'#aa5b71' as "product_name_qr_pi_color",
'#aabbcc' as "product_name_qr_po_tl_color",
'#231333' as "product_name_qr_pi_tl_color",
'#342442' as "product_name_qr_po_tr_color",
'#ab2134' as "product_name_qr_pi_tr_color",
'#4380ba' as "product_name_qr_po_bl_color",
'#e2b454' as "product_name_qr_pi_bl_color",
'ac2059' as "product_name_qr_timing_v_color",
'376d71' as "product_name_qr_timing_h_color",
'#376d71' as "product_name_qr_timing_color",
1 as "product_name_qr_auto_color",
'#000000' as "product_name_qr_auto_color_dark",
'#ffffff' as "product_name_qr_auto_color_light"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


The template should contain a qrcode tag (| followed by column name inside delimiters) in a cell. For example we have the template with following content:



If above data source that results in a row with columns product_name and few others and above template is passed to AOP. The resulting output would be of following content:

Various Types of QR Codes

QR Codes can be generated for specific tasks like connecting to the WiFi, sending mails, contact details etc. , the JSON structure for these tasks is as follows.


Available from: v21.1

For connecting to a wireless network, wifi ssid, wifi password and encryption type can be specified, where encryption types can be WPA, WEP, WEP2 etc.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select 'SSID of wireless' as "data_key",
'qr_wifi' as "data_key_type",
'pass123' as "data_key_wifi_password",
'WPA' as "data_key_wifi_encryption",
1 as "data_key_wifi_hidden"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;

Telephone Number

Available from: v21.1

For creating a dialing action, the telephone number should be specified as follows.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select '+3216298447' as "data_key",
'qr_telephone' as "data_key_type"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


Available from: v21.1

SMS messages can be sent using QR codes generated. For this, data should be specified in following format.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select '+3216298447' as "data_key",
'qr_sms' as "data_key_type",
'Hello, I''d like to know about pricing of AOP on premise version.' as "data_key_sms_body"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


Available from: v21.1

A QR code can be used to be redirected to a URL to any webpage (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram etc.). The URL should be in standard format eg.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select '' as "data_key",
'qr_url' as "data_key_type"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


Available from: v21.1

A VCF or vCard can be specified on a QR code with the options shown in following JSON.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select 'John' as "data_key",
'qr_vcard' as "data_key_type",
'Doe' as "data_key_vcard_lastname",
'' as "data_key_vcard_email",
'' as "data_key_vcard_website"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


Available from: v21.1

A MECard can be specified on a QR code with the options shown in following JSON.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select 'John' as "data_key",
'qr_me_card' as "data_key_type",
'Doe' as "data_key_me_card_lastname",
'johnny' as "data_key_me_card_nickname",
'' as "data_key_me_card_email",
'+3216298447' as "data_key_me_card_contact_primary",
'+33216298447' as "data_key_me_card_contact_secondary",
'+33216298447' as "data_key_me_card_contact_tertiary",
'' as "data_key_me_card_website",
'1997/05/05' as "data_key_me_card_birthday",
'Lodata_key' as "data_key_me_card_notes"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


Available from: v21.1

Location on a map can be specified using longitude latitude and altitude as follows.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select '50.86217975966617' as "data_key",
'qr_geolocation' as "data_key_type",
'4.671840782417369' as "data_key_geolocation_longitude",
'100' as "data_key_geolocation_altitude"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;


Available from: v21.1

Events on a calendar can be specified on a QR code with the options shown in following JSON. Summary, event_startdate, event_enddate and event_format are compulsory to get a valid QR code,

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select 'AOP Training Session' as "data_key",
'qr_event' as "data_key_type",
'2020/01/23' as "data_key_event_startdate",
'2020/01/24' as "data_key_event_enddate"
from dual
) as "data"
from dual;

All Types of QR Codes

Below is the example of all types of qr codes.

Data Source

l_return clob;
begin apex_json.initialize_clob_output(, true, 2);
l_return := q'[
"filename": "file1",
"data": [
"cust_first_name" : "John",
"cust_last_name": "Doe",
"qrcodes": [
"data_key": "SSID of wireless",
"data_key_type": "qr_wifi",
"data_key_wifi_password": "pass123",
"data_key_wifi_encryption": "WPA",
"data_key_wifi_hidden": 1
"data_key": "+3216298447",
"data_key_type": "qr_telephone"
"data_key": "+3216298447",
"data_key_type": "qr_sms",
"data_key_sms_body": "Hello, I\'d like to know about pricing of AOP on premise version."
"data_key": "",
"data_key_type": "qr_url"
"data_key": "John",
"data_key_type": "qr_vcard",
"data_key_vcard_lastname": "Doe",
"data_key_vcard_email": "",
"data_key_vcard_website": ""
"data_key": "John",
"data_key_type": "qr_me_card",
"data_key_me_card_lastname": "Doe",
"data_key_me_card_nickname": "johnny",
"data_key_me_card_email": "",
"data_key_me_card_contact_primary": "+3216298447",
"data_key_me_card_contact_secondary": "+33216298447",
"data_key_me_card_contact_tertiary": "+33216298447",
"data_key_me_card_website": "",
"data_key_me_card_birthday": "1997/05/05",
"data_key_me_card_notes": "Lodata_key"
"data_key": "50.86217975966617",
"data_key_type": "qr_geolocation",
"data_key_geolocation_longitude": "4.671840782417369",
"data_key_geolocation_altitude": "100"
"data_key": "AOP Training Session",
"data_key_type": "qr_event",
"data_key_event_startdate": "2020/01/23",
"data_key_event_enddate": "2020/01/24"

return l_return;



The template should contain the qr code tag in any cell which starts with | followed by column name inside delimiters. For example we have the template with following content:

|QR Type                  |              Qr Code|



Below attached qr codes have different orientation but the ouput contents are same.

When the above data source (which results in rows of qr codes) together with the given template is passed to AOP, the output will consist all qr codes.

Barcode Info

For barcodes, instead of doing the above, you could also choose to install a barcode font, for example Free 3of9 or Barcode fonts are more performant than images. See the other section for more information about language and font support.

Raw Tag

Available From: v1.0

These kind of tags are the simplest tag to use. These tags are enclosed in curly braces and can include variables (name of column) that will be replaced with actual Markdown or HTML code when the output is generated. The replaced value will have the same as HTML or Markdown render of the tag itself. You can insert HTML code or Markdown code on raw tag that begins with a percentage (@) symbol followed by the any tag preferable tag name.


Please be careful using this tag as the HTML code and Markdown code will not be validated. Be sure to insert valid code as raw tag value.


The data source below was created using the database available in the sample data of AOP. The database contains numerous tables and views with raw data that can be used for reference.

Date Source

Hereby example data source for different options.

select 'file1' as "filename",
cursor (
select c.cust_first_name as "cust_first_name",
c.cust_last_name as "cust_last_name",
'<h1 style=\"color:blue;\">This is a heading</h1>' as "raw1",
'This text is ***raw tag example***' as "raw2",
'- First Item \n - Second Item' as "raw3"
from aop_sample_customers c
where c.customer_id = 1
) as "data"
from dual;


The template should contain the raw tag which begins with (@). For example we have the template with following content:

  Hello {cust_first_name} {cust_last_name}

This is the basic example of using raw tag.

Thank you for choosing AOP

Best Regards

AOP Team





When the above data source together with the given template is passed to AOP, the output will be as follows.